We've all heard about these crazy cleanses out there that seem to be all the rage. One has you eating cabbage soup for a week, another has you drinking this gross concoction of lemon juice and cayenne pepper for so long you feel like you're either going to die or go into a really deep coma, and still others swear that you'll lose 50 pounds in 5 days if you try their product. What? This is craziness! Let me let you in on a little secret...you will never lose 50 pounds in 5 days unless you're considering multiple limb amputation. That cleanse will seriously cost you an arm and a leg! 

Here's what I know...I know that when I use the herbal cleanse pictured above that I can trust the product and it's ingredients. I know that I don't have to question whether it's safe OR effective; I've used it many times before and know for a fact that it is indeed both. I know that when I use AdvoCare's herbal cleanse that I am not only cleansing my colon, I am cleansing my organs, tissues and bloodstream as well...it's a full, comprehensive cleanse that leaves me feeling amazing on day 10. I know that after I cleanse I have more energy than I had pre-cleanse. I know that, even though doing a cleanse is not necessarily meant to be a weight loss process, I will lose some weight due to my body having the ability to pull out and void all of the toxins and "junk" that has accumulated since my last cleanse. I know that AdvoCare's herbal cleanse is gentle and uneventful; meaning I wont' have to hole up in the bathroom for 10 days. I am free to go about my day as I normally would. And I know that above all I am making an investment in my health and well-being. 

So, with that being said...I wanted to let you all know that I have purchased my Herbal Cleanse and a box of Spark and will be starting my cleanse on Sunday. If you are feeling crappy and would like to join me, you will need to place your order TODAY by 1:00 pm CST. That way you should be able to receive your order by Saturday and be all ready to roll by Sunday. If you can't join me for my start date on Sunday but would still like to try a cleanse...that is awesome! Send me a note and I'll make sure to keep in touch with you as you progress through your cleanse on your own time. I am really excited to start another cleanse. I know how amazing I am going to feel and cannot wait to get going! Click HERE to order your Herbal Cleanse, and let's get this party started!

Ok, so I'm doing this cleanse right? And I have no problem following along with the plan BUT...I just cannot motivate myself to exercise right now. My life is such that, in order to make time to exercise, something else must suffer. I'd love for that "something else" to be doing the dishes or laundry or vacuuming...or grocery shopping...ugh! Unfortunately with a house full of kids none of those things can fall by the wayside. Then there's work. I love my business and I absolutely LOVE my clients (oh, and I do need to get paid) so I don't want to short change my work day either. 

Can y'all do me a favor? Could you please leave me a comment here and let me know how you make time to exercise in your day? What do you "give up". What do you reorganize to make time for a workout? What goes through your head to motivate you to work out? I'd be interested in hearing how the rest of you do it! 

Ok, I forgot to blog when I started my cleanse BUT I did remember to take my before pics...which I will post here in a little bit. Those are scary but very necessary part of this whole process. No laughing! LOL! I fully intend on laughing at myself in about 20 days when I post my after pics and compare them to these! Goals people. Let's reach us some goals! That being said...on with the creep show.

Yeah, I know. Shut up. I have my work cut out for me, but ya know what...this body has birthed 8 babies so really I don't think it's all THAT bad...but it's definitely time to make it better! Hence the 24 Day Challenge. I can't wait to see what I after pics look like! Tomorrow I will be half way through my cleanse so I'll do a weigh in and post how much weight I've lost so far. If you're interested in joining me, it's not too late! Look through the site here, click on some of the links and see what you think. Feel free to send me a note on my contact page too...I'll get back to you as soon as I can.