This is a huge, huge day for me! I just had to share this with y'all!  I essentially spent my 20's pregnant...constantly, back to back pregnant. I actually have 2 kids born on the same day exactly 1 year apart kind of pregnant. So you can imagine what this journey means for youngest is 7 and it's time to lose the baby weight and get on with it already. 

I try very hard during Challenges not to weigh myself all the time. I try to gauge my progress more by how my clothes are fitting and how I'm feeling rather than the infamous "number on the scale"...but today I couldn't resist. I had to check. I checked 3 times as a matter of fact because the first time I checked I was laughing so hard...I thought it was a joke! Nope, I am now officially within 2 pounds of my lowest weight in 13 years! percent body fat went down by .5% which I know isn't much but baby steps, right? I can't believe this! I have been working so hard for the past 12 days on this Challenge and it is paying off! And I still have 12 more days to go! Seeing my progress today is my motivation to continue down this path with even more energy and "aliveness" as my good friend Richa Badami says.  I am hoping that if you are following along with me on this journey and you find yourself facing similar challenges that you realize you can reach your goals. The saying goes "I didn't promise you it would be easy...I promised you it would be worth it!" And it so very much is!!!! Thank you for stopping by. Your support means more to me than you know!
Ok, so I'm doing this cleanse right? And I have no problem following along with the plan BUT...I just cannot motivate myself to exercise right now. My life is such that, in order to make time to exercise, something else must suffer. I'd love for that "something else" to be doing the dishes or laundry or vacuuming...or grocery shopping...ugh! Unfortunately with a house full of kids none of those things can fall by the wayside. Then there's work. I love my business and I absolutely LOVE my clients (oh, and I do need to get paid) so I don't want to short change my work day either. 

Can y'all do me a favor? Could you please leave me a comment here and let me know how you make time to exercise in your day? What do you "give up". What do you reorganize to make time for a workout? What goes through your head to motivate you to work out? I'd be interested in hearing how the rest of you do it! 

Today is day 5 of my cleanse....half way done and I still feel great. I'm actually feeling lighter. I don't feel so bogged down.  Yesterday my jeans were noticeably they were hanging on my hips. I needed to keep pulling them up. (I'm not a belt person!) I checked my weight this morning and ....drum roll please...I have lost 5 pounds in 5 days! And keep in mind this is NOT even the weightloss phase! I'm telling you, the products work. I have worked out this time (I am one pound lighter this time than I was at this point last time I did a cleanse) but I'm no mega woman or anything. I did a Jillian Michaels work out and will be doing my walk later today (my morning was absolutely insane!) so it's not like I've spent all day working out.  The more you work out though the better results you'll get of course, but for my life this is good. This is what I can do. All you can do is what you can do. Your best IS good enough! One thing I am not doing though is drinking enough water. I know I need to drink a few more glasses per day, but other than that all is well and I am pleased with my progress! Keep checking 6 is only 12 
Ok, I forgot to blog when I started my cleanse BUT I did remember to take my before pics...which I will post here in a little bit. Those are scary but very necessary part of this whole process. No laughing! LOL! I fully intend on laughing at myself in about 20 days when I post my after pics and compare them to these! Goals people. Let's reach us some goals! That being said...on with the creep show.

Yeah, I know. Shut up. I have my work cut out for me, but ya know what...this body has birthed 8 babies so really I don't think it's all THAT bad...but it's definitely time to make it better! Hence the 24 Day Challenge. I can't wait to see what I after pics look like! Tomorrow I will be half way through my cleanse so I'll do a weigh in and post how much weight I've lost so far. If you're interested in joining me, it's not too late! Look through the site here, click on some of the links and see what you think. Feel free to send me a note on my contact page too...I'll get back to you as soon as I can. 
MY BOX JUST CAME!!! I don't know if I can wait until Monday to get started on my cleanse. I might need to start on Saturday. I am just so excited to get started because the sooner I get started the sooner I start seeing changes happen! Yeee Haw! Can't wait to rock this!
I ordered my 24 Day Challenge on Monday and it should be here tomorrow or Friday. I can't tell you how excited I am to get started on this whole process. I felt so good last time and this time I have friends who will be doing it along with me which makes it that much more fun. I'm planning on posting my results as I go here, so be sure to keep checking back to see how things are going. If you see that I'm slacking off or whining...feel free to kick me in the butt! That's what friends are for, right? I am really looking forward to feeling healthy and fit again. I have been eating so much crap these days...why do I do this to myself? Time to shape up! And I'm ready! Sooo Exciting! Don't forget....if you want to order your Challenge and join in on the fun, click HERE. If we get at least 10 participants before March 19th we'll hold a Biggest Loser competition with some great prizes. Imagine that, winning prizes just for losing weight and getting healthy! Sounds great to me!

Getting started is half the battle. Making the decision to change your life and actually taking the steps to reach those goals takes some serious guts. Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it. I've set some new personal goals recently and by this time next year I'd love nothing more than to be here blogging about what I've accomplished. I'm going to be starting my next 24 Day Challenge next Monday (March 19th). These are super challenging for me because I love to cook and I love to eat even more...but I have to remember that moderation is the key and I absolutely LOVE the way I feel after an Advocare cleanse. If you're interested in joining me (either locally or virtually) you can purchase your 24 Day Challenge Bundle by clicking HERE and be sure to contact me and let me know how you're doing! We're in this together...what a wild ride it's gonna be! I'll keep y'all posted on my progress. Don't forget to keep checking back!