Today was my first day of training for a half marathon I would like to run in the Fall. I haven't run in a long time unless you count running away from the kids, so today was rough for me. But as I was running (and sucking wind!) I realized that the main thing holding me back wasn't my physical ability it was my mental state. My body was weak today, being my first day of training, but my will was strong. I am doing a run/walk marathon my first time so I was running 3 minutes and walking 1. I would tell myself "It's only 3 minutes...only 2 more can do 1 more minute..." and by the time I knew it I was at my minute walk. Taking it a little at a time and encouraging myself little by little before I knew it I was done with my run/walk and doing my recovery.  I couldn't believe it. It was done...already? And I ran/walked the entire way! I didn't give up! My body was hurting but I wanted to finish badly enough that I kept going. Mind over matter...I believe in that so much, especially after today.

Today, take some time to set a goal. Set just one goal. And then do whatever you have to do to reach that goal. Maybe your goal is to get a closet cleaned out. Put everything aside and start cleaning.  When you finish cleaning that closet and take a step back and look at what you've accomplished, you will feel so amazing! Do it today...what are you waiting for? 

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