This is a huge, huge day for me! I just had to share this with y'all!  I essentially spent my 20's pregnant...constantly, back to back pregnant. I actually have 2 kids born on the same day exactly 1 year apart kind of pregnant. So you can imagine what this journey means for youngest is 7 and it's time to lose the baby weight and get on with it already. 

I try very hard during Challenges not to weigh myself all the time. I try to gauge my progress more by how my clothes are fitting and how I'm feeling rather than the infamous "number on the scale"...but today I couldn't resist. I had to check. I checked 3 times as a matter of fact because the first time I checked I was laughing so hard...I thought it was a joke! Nope, I am now officially within 2 pounds of my lowest weight in 13 years! percent body fat went down by .5% which I know isn't much but baby steps, right? I can't believe this! I have been working so hard for the past 12 days on this Challenge and it is paying off! And I still have 12 more days to go! Seeing my progress today is my motivation to continue down this path with even more energy and "aliveness" as my good friend Richa Badami says.  I am hoping that if you are following along with me on this journey and you find yourself facing similar challenges that you realize you can reach your goals. The saying goes "I didn't promise you it would be easy...I promised you it would be worth it!" And it so very much is!!!! Thank you for stopping by. Your support means more to me than you know!

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