"You're not any greater when people praise you,
Nor any worse when they criticize you.
Who you are is how you see yourself.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Simply priceless!"
Something occurred to me on my walk this morning and I wanted to share it with y'all. I often times take a moment to reevaluate my purpose...why am I working out? Who is all of this really for anyway? This is what I came up with:
  •  work out to relieve stress.
  • I work out to set a good, healthy example for my kids.
  • I work out to set a good example for my AdvoCare clients.
  • I work out so I can have more energy, be stronger and leaner...and to work on my ninja skills at kickboxing.
  • I work out because I see that others who also work out are positive influences in my life and I enjoy surrounding myself with them.
  • I work out because I am old and have 8 pregnancies worth of baby weight to lose.
  • I work out to get away from my kids...I may be old but they can't keep up with me.
  • Mainly...I work out for ME! It is a gift I give to myself every day because I am worth it and I treasure the gift of health that God has given me. I intend to use it for good and not evil...unless said ninja skills should need to come into play.
I spent many years worrying about the number on the scale...comparing my number to the number that was on the chart for my weight and age. Am I a failure because my number is too big? Is there any hope for me to get to my charted number? And then I told myself to shut up because I realized a few things:
  • I am more than a number on a scale.
  • I don't work out to be skinny...I work out to be healthy.
  • Any amount of exercise I do is better than nothing at all.
  • Every time I choose the apple over the brownie...I WIN!
  • Once in a while when I choose the brownie...I STILL WIN!
  • The scale sucks. I will now gauge my level of health and fitness on how I feel and how my clothes fit. 
  • I am more than a number on a scale.
My advice to all of you who are struggling with your weight...those of you who are self conscious about working out in front of people because your "number" is too big...is this: You don't have to be an Olympic athlete, you just have to try. If you get tired, stop...catch your breath and start again but don't you dare quit. Quitting's for losers and you're no loser. Keep moving, even a little bit. Wiggle if you have to, just keep moving. And most of all surround yourself with loving, caring, supportive people. I am more than a number on a scale...and so are you!

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